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Freebirdies Codes of Conduct

For parents/ carers- Please:


  • make sure your child has the right clothing for the session- to be allowed on the silks this must include clothing without exposed zips, metal fasteners etc as any damage will result in replacement at the cost of the parent.

  • make sure your child arrives to sessions on time and is picked up promptly; let us know if you're running late or if your child is going home with someone else. We ask everyone arrives 5 minutes before class for verbal screening.

  • complete all consent, contact and medical forms and update us straight away if anything changes

  • maintain a good relationship with our instructors and be available to discuss a child’s progress or participation

  • talk to us if you have any concerns about any part of your child's involvement - we want to hear from you

  • Be supportive of your child, listen to their needs and behave positively on the sidelines of the activity.

  • Ensure your child knows their code of conduct and encourage them to concentrate on the activities being taught.

Our responsibilities to you:

Knowing your child is safeguarded during their time with us- our policy is always available to read on our webpage (, and you can contact our child protection lead, Jenny Smith on 07776392809.

If you would like information or proof of certification, regards the training our instructors have undergone, our insurance providers, our equipment checks etc, please just let us know. Our aerial equipment and pole rig is checked thoroughly on a 6 monthly basis, and regular visual checks are made during our time in the studio.


For Children


  • keep yourself safe by listening to your instructor, behaving responsibly and speak out when something isn't right.

  • when you're with us, stay in the places where you're supposed to, don't wander off or leave, making sure a responsible adult accompanies you upstairs if you need the toilet.

  • take care of our equipment and premises as if they were your own.

  • make it to class on time.

  • bring the clothing for practice.

  • respect and celebrate differences in our club or activity and do not discriminate against anyone else on the grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation or ability.

  • report any incidents of bullying, including homophobia and transphobia to a member of staff, even if you're just a witness.

  • treat other young people with respect and appreciate that everyone has different levels of skill and talent.

  • Support your fellow attendees and make it a friendly encouraging place to be.

  • Respect our staff.


Behaviour in contradiction with any of the above points will be addressed immediately and attempts will be made to resolve them. If problems persist after attempted resolution, the parent, or child and parent, may be asked to leave the activity temporarily, or permanently- we would like to avoid this where possible. During the course of any session, if behaviour becomes inappropriate or abusive you will be asked to leave without refund.

Freebird Studio Socials

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Freebirdies Kids classes

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Polecat Apparel Socials

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Where to find us:

Freebird Studio

Williamson Memorial Church Hall

Dudhope Street

Dundee, Scotland




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